Working Groups
Membership and Fund-Raising
This working group assists with ensuring the FLDIC has broad representation in the community and sufficient operating funds.
It seeks participation from local and state governments, community NGOs, libraries, schools, business leaders, hospitals, veteran’s associations, small business owners, foundations, and community members who are living the digital divide.
This working group also assists with fund-raising through the identification of grants and promotion of sponsorships.
Communication, Advocacy and Outreach
This Working Group assists with the FLDIC newsletter, conferences, event planning, and presentations the FLDIC makes to other organizations to explain our mission, objectives, and accomplishments. It also assists with ongoing management and update of the website.
Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Policy
This working group assists with the development of a comprehensive digital inclusion strategy for the region. It provides an understanding of the various policy directions different governments and organizations are currently pursuing and it supports efforts to share information to help streamline initiatives and integrate digital inclusion more fully into regional economic development efforts.
This working group assists with the development of broadband and internet mapping initiatives to help identify households who are unserved or underserved. The working group facilitates information sharing between County officials, local governments, internet service providers, mapping technology experts, and community organizations.