Past Events
FLDIC Fourth Annual Symposium
Friday, October 21
On October 21, 2022, the Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition (FLDIC) hosted it's 4th Annual Symposium at Young Lion Brewing Company in Canandaigua, NY. It was a beautiful autumn day for an interactive, engaging and well-attended event by participants across the region and the state. Click below for Symposium notes; scroll for Symposium pics & NYS Librarian Lauren Moore's Digital Equity keynote presentation!
Local Digital Coalition Meeting
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Local digital inclusion advocates met on September 28th at 10am, to learn about the latest updates to support digital equity and inclusion in our region, including upcoming grant opportunities.
Megan Crowe provided a comprehensive overview of the Light Up Livingston Initiative which has the goal of providing access to high-speed, fiber-optic internet to every address in the county. The Initiative has really taken off over the past few years and just last month, they were awarded an $11.3 million grant to a public-private partnership between Livingston County and Empire Access to create a network that is expected to deliver broadband internet to more than 11,000 residents, nearly 100 farms, and more than 40 businesses.
Laura Osterhout, Executive Director of the Rochester Regional Library Council, discussed a possible partnership between the Library Council, the Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition and Project Look Sharp to use questioning strategies to effectively teach habits of critical thinking in the digital age.
Connecting Rural Communities: Small Town Solutions Virtual Conference
Presented by: Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition
Friday, April 23rd, 2021
Keynote: Dave Wolff - Chair of Broadband Committee, ADK
Dave explains the work ADK Action’s Broadband Committee has been doing to plot unserved addresses against current ISP build-out plans, thereby identifying households still in need in the North Country.
Completing the Connection: Devices & Digital Literacy
Panelists: Frank Sykes - Director, Livonia Public Library
Alicia Ward - Lab Technology Coordinator, SUNY ATTAIN Lab
Christine Carr-Barmasse - CEO, Mission: Ignite
Our panelists share initiatives to lend free devices, provide one-on-one tech tutoring, refurbish devices, and more.
Hometown Highlights: Community Success Stories
Panelists: Jessica Dymond - Director, Daniel Pierce Library
Oliver Miller - Director of Business Development, Trace Cyber Solutions
Nicole Manapol - Community Development Specialist, SUNY Geneseo Center for Integrative Learning
This panel shines the spotlight on digital inclusion projects serving rural areas across the state, right now.
2019 Digital Inclusion Summit
January 28, 2019, Cracker Factory, Geneva, New York
Over 120 people across New York State from many sectors - education, local government, nonprofit, small business, healthcare, and libraries - convened on January 28th to discuss the digital ecosystem in the Finger Lakes region and beyond.
2018 Digital Inclusion Kick-Off Meeting
In 2018, the Coalition, supported by the Pioneer Library System, received small grants from the Rochester Regional Library Council and Senator Helming. These funds allowed the Coalition to contract with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) to begin the official process of forming the Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition (FLDIC).