FLDIC History
The Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Coalition is the first rural-suburban digital inclusion coalition in the United States.
In 2018, the Coalition, supported by the Pioneer Library System, received small grants from the Rochester Regional Library Council and Senator Helming. These funds allowed the Coalition to contract with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance to begin the official process of forming the Finger Lakes Digital Inclusion Alliance.
In September 2018 the FLDIC, led by the Pioneer Library System, organized a kick-off meeting with many libraries and community stakeholders, including representatives from business, government, non-profit organizations, hospitals, schools, and direct service providers (especially those serving individuals who are low-income, under-educated, veterans, or older adults). More than 100 people attended to discuss what digital inclusion and digital equity means for their communities in the Finger Lakes.
In January 2019, the Coalition organized a Digital Inclusion Summit with over 130 participants from across New York State. Participants were asked for their input on how digital inclusion efforts (or lack thereof) have impacted their work and lives. Angela Siefer from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance was the Keynote Speaker. Panel discussions also explored the digital landscape, injustices of limited internet access, and ways to bridge the digital divide.
The data collected from the Summit, in addition to input from a focus group of Pioneer library staff members that was held in February 2019, served as the platform for guiding the work of the Coalition.
That same year the FLDIC hired a part-time Digital Inclusion Coordinator, funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Regular Coalition meetings were held, membership growth continued, and a bi-weekly email newsletter was distributed to member organizations. In 2020, a Board of Directors was established, along with bylaws and a three-year strategic plan.
In 2021, the FLDIC held another successful Digital Inclusion Summit, this time virtually. A recording of this summit can be found under the Events tab. Coalition membership has continued to grow to include more than 170 participants from a wide breath of community organizations and interest groups. New partnerships are being formed daily. The Coalition continues to serve as the hub to exchange timely information about government programs, funding opportunities, community success stories, strategies for addressing digital equity challenges in the Finger Lakes, and raising awareness about the importance of digital inclusion efforts.