Get Involved
FLDIC Affiliates are non-profit organizations or government entities that make FLDIC stronger by publicly showing their support. Benefits include:
Access to the FLDIC Newsletter
Access to the FLDIC Google Conversation Group and Quarterly Coalition Member Calls
Listed on the FLDIC Website
Friends of FLDIC are individuals who want to engage with FLDIC, but do not represent an organization. Benefits include:
Access to the FLDIC Newsletter
Access to the Google Conversation Group and Coalition Community Calls
Sponsors of the FLDIC donate to support the work of the Coalition.
Sponsor benefits include:
All Affiliate benefits
Discounts to any paid FLDIC events
A FLDIC decal to show your support for digital equity and to help create awareness of its importance.

Learn more about our upcoming events and activities by signing up for our monthly newsletter!