Lam Bui serves as a Project Assistant within the City of Rochester's
Crisis Intervention Services Unit and as the Board Secretary for RiverFlow
Soccer Academy. Lam proudly owns both his Mỹ lai and Rochesterian heritage.
Originally born in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Vietnam, Lam and his
family immigrated to New York in 1992 under the Amerasian Act of 1982. He
is a proud graduate of Dr. Freddie Thomas High School located in the city
school district, and later gained his Liberal Arts Associate Degree from
Monroe Community College.
Since 2017, Lam has lived in four different states during which he seized
meaningful opportunities to serve his neighbors. In 2019, he spent the
early years of the pandemic as hospital security working nights at Iowa’s
trauma hospitals, then facilitated a dozen free vaccine clinics for refugee
and immigrant communities, followed by building a ECBO public health
coalition across Iowa. Lam and his family returned to New York where he
took on initiatives to expand the digital literacy program of libraries
across the Finger Lakes shortly before starting his tenure with the City of
Lam currently lives with his wife Molly, and welcomed their first daughter
Helena in June, 2022.